Friday, December 17, 2004

The Shack...The Shack...The Shack is on Fire!

It's the end of innocence, folks.

The B-52s were a seminal band for me. While most of my high school friends were listening to Rush and Motley Crue (yes, Im a child of the 80s), I was oscillating wildly in my bedroom to the beats of "Rock Lobster," "Privat Idaho" and, yes, "Love Shack."

And now the Shack is gone...

The funky little lean-to that inspired Fred, Kate, Cindy and Keith's first top ten hit, "Love Shack," burned to the ground on Monday in a "suspicious" fire. The authorities suspect arson, as building materials being used to refurbish the shack have gone missing. We can take comfort in that fact that at least one part of the shack survived the blaze: the tin roof. Rusted!


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